Nano fibres were injected into the pleural cavity of lab mice. Fibre length was a key factor in determining the strength of inflammatory reaction. Given the short time-scale, the full biological significance of this length dependence was not determined. However, the same pattern of length dependence was found for different fibre compositions, including long vs short asbestos fibres.
The researchers provide a consistent explanation, which, unlike more orthodox explanations, gives rise to the possibility that there is a lower bound to the risk of mesothelioma. It is highly unlikely that this model will be universally welcomed; but offers an opportunity for defence.
Evidence from:
A Schinwald et al. Toxicol. Sci. (2012) Vol.128 (2) p 461-470
The Threshold Length for Fiber-Induced Acute Pleural Inflammation: Shedding Light on the Early Events in Asbestos-Induced Mesothelioma
The research, and its potential for safety specifications and for defence of mesothelioma claims will be discussed at the next Radar meeting: 4th Sept 2012.