Evidence from:
M Bennet. Pain. May (2001) Vol.92 #1-2 p 147
The diagnostic method in which variables were combined was found to have a sensitivity of 83% and specificity 87% with a corresponding positive predictive value of 86% and a negative predictive value of 84%.
The test would tend to be used as evidence of tissue damage in RSI and back pain cases.
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Evidence from:
C Meng et al. Journal of Rheumatology. June (2001) Vol. 28 #6 p 1271.
Blood flow may be a response to or a cause of muscle pain. Either way its variation with MSD risk factor exposure would be of interest. This proof-of-principle study showed blood flow variation with disease status.
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Evidence from:
OB Scholtz et al. Behavioural Research and Therapy. December (2001) Vol. 39 #12 p 1429.
Do unexplained pain cases have a muscle tension problem? If so, why? Muscles were monitored during relaxation tasks.
Pain cases were better at relaxation than were normal controls.
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