Evidence from:
Peter Buckle, A Kilbom, A Grieco, Keith Palmer, Cyrus Cooper, Malcolm Harrington et al. Scandinavian
Journal of Work, Environment and Health Supplement. June (2001) Vol.27 suppl 1.
Although very simple in summary:
Step 1
“Did the symptoms begin, recur or worsen after the current job (task) was started”.
Step 2
“Are there exposures factors known (believed by the authors) to be (significant) risk factors for that part of the body?”
Step 3
“Ask whether or not there are non occupational origins for the symptoms”
Step 4
“Make a decision about the level of work relatedness”
in practice each of these must be set in the correct context for regulatory and common law duty of care standards.
The report includes an analysis of the strengths and weakness of this set of tools and suggests points where a defence could be attempted.
The Radar report is available to subscribers: