JJ Ho et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention (2006) Vol.38 p 961 – 968
“Estimation of reduced life expectancy from serious occupational injuries in Taiwan”
A Magrez et al. Nano Letters (2006) Vol.6#6 p 1121 – 1125
“Cellular Toxicity of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials”
MJ Seed et al. Allergy (2006) Vol.61 p 648
“Prediction of asthma hazard of thiamine”
WT Gallo et al. Occ.Env. Med. (2006) Vol.63 p 683 – 687
“The impact of late career job loss on myocardial infarction and stroke: a 10 year follow up using the health and retirement survey”
H Virkkunen et al. Occ. Env. Med. (2006) Vol.63 p 378 – 386
“The triad of shift work, occupational noise, and physical workload and risk of coronary heart disease”
Those exposed to all factors of this triad had approximately a twice greater CHD risk than those exposed to none of them.
In retrospect, this study was worthy of much greater attention than was given at the time.
Further detail: