Evidence from:
JA Verbunt et al. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. June (2000) Vol. 82 #6 p 726.
There was no significant correlation between any of the three questionnaire scores and objective activity measures.
There was no significant difference in objectively measured activity between cases and controls.
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Evidence from:
T Jacob et al. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. June (2000) Vol. 82 #6 p 735.
There was no correlation between high disability scores and low activity scores.
The Radar report is available to subscribers:
Evidence from:
JM Stevenson et al. Spine. June (2001) Vol. 26 #12 p 1370.
Physical activity is protective against back pain.
The Radar report is available to subscribers:
Evidence from:
MS Kerr et al (C. Bombardier). American Journal of Public Health. July (2001) Vol.91 #7 p 1069.
The clearly statistically significant, specific risk factors were recorded as follows:
• Body Mass Index OR = 2.0 (95% CI = 1.2 to 3.6)
• Prior compensation claim OR = 2.2 (95% CI = 1.07 to 4.43)
• Perceived exertion at work OR = 3.0 (95% CI = 1.79 to 5.36)
The Radar report is available to subscribers: